AMD: Who said that they should give up x86?

AMD: Who said that they should give up x86? The large-scale global restructuring of AMD suggests that its overall strategy may undergo major changes. This has also led to many speculations. There have been reports that AMD is planning to introduce ARM technology licenses and may even completely abandon the x86 market. In response, AMD issued a brief statement today saying that it will not lose its x86 business.

AMD said in the statement: "AMD is the leader in the design of x86 microprocessors and we will continue to focus on (developing) the x86 market. Our strategy is to leverage our strengths in design capabilities, provide a broad product line, and comply with the entire Industry shifts to low-power, developing markets and cloud computing to accelerate growth."

Although somewhat ambiguous, x86, the cornerstone of the company, obviously cannot and cannot be easily discarded. Referring to low power consumption and cloud computing may mean that AMD will use mobile devices and mini-servers such as smart phones and tablet computers in the future. Putting in more energy, this is also in line with AMD's recent moves. For example, on the one hand, emphasis is placed on the use of the "Bobcat" architecture. On the one hand, the newly released bulldozer architecture Opteron 6200/4200 series processors emphasize the concept and application of cloud. .

AMD spokesman Mike Silvermand said a few days ago: "We are at a turning point and need to put down the mentality of competing with Intel, because this situation will never return."

Maybe wait until February next year at the financial analysts conference, AMD will eventually make a clear answer to this direction.

High Power High Voltage Power Supplies

The High-power High Voltage Power supply is a customized high-voltage power supply family developed by iDealTek-Electronics based on the design and development of IGBT switching elements.

Hps High Power High Voltage Power Supplies

HP series High power high-voltage power supply is the first generation high-power HVPS designed by iDealTek-Electronics, adopting the standard 19-inch chassis structure to facilitate the integrated installation of high-voltage systems. The output power ranges from 5kW to 15kW (single unit), with the output voltage ranging from 1KV to 60kV.

HPS series ultra-high-power high-voltage power supplies are developed on the basis of HP series using internal high-power high voltage modules in parallel built in 19-inch standard cabinet with control, inverter, high voltage transformer split design structure, output power ranges from 50KW to 300KW with output voltage up to 300KV. The power supplies adopt a mixed cooling method of air cooling of the control part, water cooling and oil cooling of the main power unit. The internal module redundancy technology and perfect protection circuit ensure the excellent reliability of the power supply under high-voltage and high-power output.

Compared with the traditional linear high power High Voltage Power Supplies, our high-power high voltage power supplies of IGBT-based topology can achieve output power beyond that of the linear high voltage power supplies and also break through the ceiling where the output voltage cannot exceed tens of KV, besides the same electronic characteristics of high precision low ripple and high stability as the linear high-voltage power supplies, our high power high voltage power supplies are also featured for high efficiency, fast response characteristics that linear high voltage power supply can't match.

At present, the production of high power high voltage power supplies is difficult and the applications are diverse and scattered. Basically, they are mainly customized. The industries that have been aiding include mining gravel, ultra-high-power capacitor charging, electron beam melting, electron gun, ion acceleration, ion implantation and other cutting-edge industries.

High Power HV Power Supplies, High Power High-voltage Power Supplies, High-Power High-voltage Power Supplies, High-Power High Voltage Power Supplies, High-Power HV Power Supplies

Yangzhou IdealTek Electronics Co., Ltd. ,

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