Anhui produces LED lights will "illuminate" the London Olympics

In November this year, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the "Announcement on the gradual ban on the import and sale of incandescent lamps for general lighting." Five years later, incandescent lamps will be completely eliminated. With the determination of the incandescent lamp elimination road map, the province's LED industry has also ushered in a major positive.

Incandescent lamps gradually withdrew from the market Yesterday, the reporter visited the Wuli Temple to decorate the city and other building materials markets, various energy-saving lamps, LED lights to see people dazzling, but it is difficult to find traces of ordinary incandescent lamps. According to Cao Zhengliang, head of Phoenix Minnie Lighting, the majority of households and units use energy-saving lamps. There are very few incandescent lamps on the market. “At present, the price of incandescent bulbs is generally 1-2 yuan, while the energy-saving lamps are generally priced at 78 yuan.” Cao Zhengliang said that there are very few people in the urban area who buy incandescent bulbs. There are only some residential district lighting and engineering lighting. Still in use.

In the US, Home Ford and other building materials markets, the reporter noted that, whether it is a ceiling lamp or a chandelier, energy-saving lamps are used almost exclusively, and only a few crystal lamps and process lighting use traditional incandescent light bulbs.

LED lamp will be reduced by 20% next year

It is understood that in recent years, with the implementation of national energy-saving emission reduction policies, LED lamp market share is also increasing. At present, in the provincial lighting market, energy-saving lamps and LED lamps are almost equal.

"Compared with incandescent lamps, energy-saving lamps must save much more power." Zhao Liding, director of the R&D department of Anhui Shuntou Xinhui Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd., said that incandescent lamps are not only light and easy to generate heat, but also consume electricity and have a short life. The energy saving lamp saves electricity and has a lifetime that is five times that of an incandescent lamp. In general, 1 watt of energy-saving lamps can reach 5 watt incandescent lamps. However, the soaring price of rare earths has caused the cost pressure of energy-saving lamp companies to increase dramatically. The LED lamp is not only energy-saving, environmental protection, and vibration-resistant, but its lifetime is up to 50,000 hours. At present, LED lights are mainly used in outdoor lighting, landscape lighting, display screens, and so on. LED lights sell for more than 10 yuan per watt.

“As a key component of LED lamps, the current global production of diode mocvd machines are at full speed.” Zhao Liding told reporters last year, LED lamps cost about 10 yuan per watt, and this year it dropped to about 7 yuan. LED lamp prices will drop by about 20% next year. This means that the price of LED lights will become more and more “close to the people”, and the gap between them and the price of energy-saving lamps is getting smaller and smaller.

The province's light enterprises "knit up"

The incandescent lamp retreated in 5 years, and raw material prices rose, making the energy-saving lamp very "injured." However, this has provided space for the development of LED lighting companies in our province.

According to reports, on November 8th, the largest LED application product production base in our province, Xinhui Optoelectronics Industrial Park was officially started construction and the project invested 200 million yuan. This year, the annual output value of LED lamps in our province is about RMB 4 billion to RMB 5 billion. Many Anhui LED lamp products have been exported to Southeast Asia, Europe, Japan, the Americas and other regions.

Zhao Liding believes that LED, as a new light source for energy saving, environmental protection, green, and low carbon, is in line with the sustainable development conditions in China and the world. It is a general trend to vigorously promote and use new LED light sources.

çš– Production lights will debut in the London Olympics According to reports, the current production of LED has also begun to make its debut in major international events. According to the above sources, in the past two years, the LED produced by the company has appeared on the Expo China Pavilion, the Jiangsu Provincial Games, and the Anhui Provincial Games. What is more worth mentioning is that the products have been sent to the British Olympic Games and will add luster to the London Olympic Stadium.

Several LED lamp companies in the provincial capital stated that Hefei has already listed the LED industry as the strategic focus of the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan”, but the LED industry has not yet formed a scale effect in Hefei, and the industrial facilities are still relatively weak. The current development momentum is good. Local LED companies are eager for government support in terms of funding, taxation, bidding and other aspects.

Load Cell

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