Four ministries: LED equipment imports can be tax cut

Four ministries: LED equipment imports can be tax cut On March 12, the four ministries of the Ministry of Finance jointly issued a notice that starting from April 1 this year, China will refrain from tax exemption on the catalogue of relevant equipment and products, import of key spare parts and raw materials, and import of major technical equipment import tax policies. Equipment and product catalogs are adjusted.

In the adjustment of tariff-free and import-link value-added tax catalogs, 28 major technical equipments have been added, and three major emerging industries such as marine equipment, solar energy applications, and LED equipment have become the most obvious benefits.

The adjustment of the import tax policy directory shows that a total of 28 major technical equipments have become new varieties. Among them, 10 million tons of oil refining equipment, natural gas pipeline transportation equipment, and large-scale ship equipment have already been embodied in the July 2011 Circular on Adjusting the Import Taxation Policies for Major Generations of Nuclear Power Generating Units and Other Major Technical Equipment. For the newly added varieties, they are mainly concentrated in three areas: marine equipment, solar energy applications, and LED equipment.

Semiconductor light-emitting diode (LED) production equipment added three types of equipment, namely: metal organic chemical vapor deposition equipment, plasma etching machine, indium tin oxide (ITO) sputtering station. LED is a technology-guided industry, especially technology and capital-intensive chip manufacturing, which requires high-end process equipment to provide support. However, similar to the “bottleneck” under the semiconductor investment boom, there is still a problem of speed matching between equipment R&D and industrial expansion. Especially in the high-end equipment sector, most equipment still needs to rely on imports. Taking the plasma etching machine as an example, the larger-capacity, higher-performance etching machine has become the demand target of LED mainstream enterprises, and the longer maintenance period and convenient human-computer interaction interface are also essential for large-scale production line equipment. condition.



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