Future China's wind power transformation is imperative

The various problems currently exposed indicate that the rapid and large-scale development of wind power is not the most scientific and sustainable development model. In the future, China's wind power development should emphasize more on the harmonization of speed and quality, scale and efficiency.

In recent years, the scale of wind power in China has grown rapidly. By the end of 2010, the installed capacity of wind power in China has become the largest in the world. However, under the rapid expansion speed, a series of problems have emerged in the wind power industry, such as the convergence of wind power development and power grid planning, grid connection and consumption of wind power, and stable operation of power systems after grid-connected wind power.

The reason why such a situation occurs is that the wind power industry has expanded too quickly, and the contradictions and problems that should have been solved gradually in the growth of the industry have exploded in a short period of time. From the perspective of the entire industry chain of wind power, China is not very “strong” in many aspects. In the equipment manufacturing sector, China still needs to further improve the level of wind power equipment manufacturing, core key technologies, number of technical patents, product quality, etc.; in the wind farm construction and operation, wind farm planning and design, construction and operation and maintenance levels and related professional Technical personnel training has not been improved and developed in parallel with the installed capacity. In the grid connection phase, due to the fact that wind power development did not fully consider the status quo of the power grid, the market consumption situation, etc., and the construction period of the power grid construction was longer than the wind power project, so it appeared. Temporary wind power is connected to the grid and problems are eliminated.

Therefore, to build a strong wind power country, we must effectively transform the development mode of wind power.

Firstly, to analyze the current trend and demand for wind power development in China, the first step is to shift from the pursuit of “quantity” to the pursuit of “quality” and pay more attention to the quality of wind power development.

First, we must establish strict technical standards and management practices. The current wind power management related departments are improving the technical threshold for entering the wind power industry from the technological advancement of the wind turbine equipment, the wind farm connection technology and management level. In terms of the technical aspects of wind turbine equipment, in early August 2011, the National Energy Administration approved and passed 18 wind power standards, among which there are no shortages of technical requirements for the manufacture of wind turbines, indicating that the country's manufacturing quality requirements for wind power equipment are more stringent and standardized. Secondly, it emphasizes the coordination of wind power development with the development of power grids, other power sources and electric power loads, and maintains a balanced rhythm of wind power development.

Second, while paying attention to the scale of installation, we must pay more attention to increasing wind power generation.

The size of wind power installed capacity represents the strength of wind power industry development and fixed asset investment, and it cannot directly indicate the effect of energy saving and emission reduction and the amount of electricity that wind power development can achieve. The factors that determine the amount of wind power generation mainly include the data quality of wind resources, the design and construction level of wind farms, the technical performance of wind turbine generators, the availability of wind turbines, and the “wind rejection rate” of wind power. Therefore, in order to improve the quality of wind power development, it is necessary to shift from simply purchasing installed capacity to pursuing wind power generation. This requires the joint efforts of the entire industrial chain of wind power, from wind resource survey and management, to planning and construction of wind farms, to wind farm operation and management. With the maintenance, as well as the optimization of the power supply structure and the construction of the power grid, construction and upgrading must be carried out simultaneously.

Third, we must actively implement decentralized wind power and low-speed wind power start-up construction.

The development of decentralized wind power development in areas close to the load center and suitable for wind resources and decentralized access to low-voltage power grids is a useful supplement to China's current wind power development methods. The advantages of this wind power development method are mainly reflected in the following aspects: First, decentralized wind power is close to the load center, and the capacity is small, it is suitable for local consumption, and it can enrich the demand side management means to a certain extent; second, decentralized wind power The technology has a positive role in the development, manufacture and use of low-speed wind turbines and high-altitude wind turbines, which will help expand the field of wind power equipment manufacturing in China. Third, decentralized wind power development will help diversify and facilitate the financing of wind power projects. Fourth, the decentralized wind farm near the load center will help bring local employment.

Fourth, we must give full play to the important role of offshore wind power.

At this stage, "to enter the sea" has become the direction of wind power development in many countries. In this regard, Europe, the United States and China are basically on the same starting line, which is the best platform for realizing the leap-forward development of China's wind power technology and realizing the catch-up of wind power technology in developed countries. China's offshore wind energy-rich regions are mainly concentrated in Jiangsu, Fujian, Shandong, and Guangdong, and are very close to the electric power load center, which has a spatial advantage that closes the market. Considering that the current stage of offshore wind power technology is not yet mature and the cost is high, during the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” period, China should insist on supporting a dominant enterprise with a certain market size to achieve technological breakthroughs and accelerate the formation of a complete industrial chain; after entering the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period, Further large-scale offshore wind power construction.

To sum up, after the rapid development of "burst" in recent years, it is urgent for China's wind power development to carry out periodical summaries and formulate more definite and feasible development strategies. The various problems exposed at present indicate that the large-scale, highly-concentrated and rapid development model of wind power is not the most scientific and sustainable development model. In the future, the development of wind power in China should emphasize the coordination of speed and quality, scale and efficiency, and pay attention to the coordinated development of large-scale resources and distributed resources in close proximity to the load, and plan the development of two types of wind energy resources, onshore wind energy and offshore wind energy. Only in this way, China's wind power development can truly meet both the national conditions in China and the development of wind power, so as to accelerate the transformation of China from a large wind power country to a strong wind power country.

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