Guangdong Province will use LEDs for all financial investment lighting projects from March

It is reported that Guangdong Province strives to popularize LED public lighting in three years, including the Pearl River Delta region including Zhongshan City, and strives to achieve this goal in two years. By the end of 2013, the Pearl River Delta region will complete the renovation of LED lighting products in the public lighting sector; Yuedong, Yuexi, and Yuebei will complete this work by the end of 2014.

In order to achieve this goal, from March 1, 2012, all the financial projects and new planning development areas invested by the province will use LED lighting products in the public lighting field. In the future, the development and reform department should use LED lighting products as one of the conditions for the approval of financial investment construction projects. According to reports, the comprehensive promotion of the use of LED lighting systems in the public sector will play an important role in achieving energy-saving and emission reduction tasks in Guangdong Province.

According to the requirements of the State Council, during the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” period, the CO2 emissions of Guangdong’s GDP per unit of GDP will reach a target of 19.5%. With the acceleration of industrialization, urbanization and the continuous upgrading of household consumption structure, the demand for energy consumption has grown rigidly. At the same time, the LED industry is one of the most promising high-tech fields in the world.

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