Investment in 1.6 trillion U.S. dollars in the next five years is promising

Following the cultural media, energy conservation and environmental protection sector, the policy of Shannon has been the smart grid segment that has been quiet for a long time. The reporter learned that the State Grid Corporation of China recently stated that its 1000 kV Huainan-Zhebei-Shanghai UHV AC demonstration project (Suidong East Railway) was formally started, and under the stimulation of this news, the entire smart grid sector was moving. Become the focus of market attention.

Smart grid welcomes the golden period

Recently, the news of the construction of the second UHV line project has triggered widespread concern in the market. State Grid announced on November 2 that its 1000 kV Huainan-Zhebei-Shanghai UHV AC demonstration project (Suidong-East Power Transmission) had completed the first base pilot project of the foundation casting of the line project in Wuhu, Anhui on October 30. This also marks the official commencement of the construction of the Suidong Power Transmission Line Project.

Under the stimulation of demonstration project construction, the long-silent smart grid sector was activated collectively. The news announced that the Smart Smart Grid Index of the next day rose by more than 100 points, or 2.73%, becoming the most active sector on the day.

Five smart grid concept stocks, such as Great Wall Development and Yanhua Smart, have reached daily limit, and the rest of the stocks in the sector are also generally popular.

In this regard, a fund company analyst said that since the good news of the smart grid industry has been continuously reported this year, but in the context of the weakness of the entire A-share market, these news has been ignored by the funds until the "meal quotes" The arrival of this was only "ignited" by this fuse.

According to report, at the 2011 Smart Grid Conference held earlier, Liu Zhenya, the general manager of the State Grid, said that the State Grid will accelerate the development of a strong smart grid in the next five years, and plans to build a “three vertical and three horizontal” UHV backbone. Grid, plans to invest 250 billion US dollars (about 1.6 trillion yuan) in the next five years.

It is reported that on November 10-11, the 2011 China Smart Grid Industry Development Summit Forum will be held in Shanghai. The conference will discuss a series of issues such as China's smart grid policy planning, smart grid concepts and prospects.

Secondary equipment, UHV highlights

Since the smart grid was first written into the government work report last year, and this year has been included in the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan”, the smart grid has been included in the development of the new energy industry. The industry cake of more than one trillion yuan is even more exciting to all parties. At present, all parties in the industry believe that secondary equipment will become the primary investment target.

According to report, the so-called secondary equipment, that is not directly connected with the power of the equipment, such as metering, voltmeter, ammeter, power meter, electric meter used to measure the electrical parameters of the circuit and other equipment. And Liu Zhenya proposes that in the next five years, the plan of “building a highly intelligent transmission and distribution network, building 6,100 smart substations of 110 kV and above, and building more than 2,900 electric vehicle charging stations” will undoubtedly promote secondary equipment manufacturers. development of.

Shanxi Securities analyst Liang Yumei pointed out that since smart grid substations have not yet started on a large scale, investment in 2011 was lower than expected. According to the national grid plan, the tendering situation in 2011 was much lower than expected, and it is expected that investment will accelerate in 2012. In addition, with the expansion of the scope of smart grids, smart distribution networks and other areas will also gradually arise.

Similarly, the latest research report issued by Orient Securities also shows that secondary equipment listed companies are worthy of attention and recommend Guodian NARI, Guodian Nanzi, Sifang shares and XJ Electric.

Galaxy Securities pointed out that the necessity of UHV construction stems from the continuing power shortage in the east. The development of electricity demand and supply is not balanced, and it is urgent to strengthen cross-regional transmission capacity building. During the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" period, the State Grid and China Southern Power Grid planed a total of about 530 billion UHV DC and UHV AC transmission plans respectively. In terms of investment strategy, Galaxy Securities believes that the UHV sector has investment opportunities under the “expected game”. Although the overall construction scale and progress of the exchange of UHV are still unclear, DC construction has been advanced. Due to the large adjustment in the stock prices of the UHV-related companies in the previous period, the expectations contained in the stock prices have also been greatly reduced. Therefore, as the "Anhui-Shanghai" line starts and the "Southeastern Shanxi" expansion project is put into operation, there are phased investment opportunities in the UHV sector. , It is recommended to pay attention to the company as a TBEA.

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