Taiwan Industrial Technology Institute publishes wide color gamut LED backlight products, surpassing 90% NTSC

LED backlighting is currently the most popular large-size panel backlight application technology. Taiwan Institute of Technology recently published a wide color gamut LED backlight technology, innovative use of violet LED to stimulate RGB three-color fluorescent powder, expand the panel gamut range, can easily exceed 90% of the color rendering ability, accurately display image rich color, let TV And the display reproduces the real-world "excellent" visual effect, providing LCD panel manufacturers with more competitive LED innovation application technology and attacking the LED LCD TV market.

Figure: (Right) ITRI's wide color gamut LED backlight technology, accurately presenting colorful horizons

According to the Institute of Electro-optics of the Industrial Technology Research Institute, since the LEDs began to be used in large-size panel backlights such as LCD TVs and monitors in 2009, the growth demand for LED TV backlights is quite strong. This year, the global LED LCD TVs will reach 32 million units. . The purple LED backlight module developed by ITRI has high color uniformity. It only needs a set of light sources and can be mass-produced with a simple driving circuit. It not only provides a new solution for the backlight module technology in Taiwan LED industry. The LED industry, which is further plagued by patents, finds its own patented technology, which helps to enhance the international competitiveness of Taiwan's LED industry and expand its future development.

ITRI ​​uses violet LED (400 nm) to excite RGB tri-color fluorescent powder, and with the narrow bandwidth green fluorescent powder developed by ITRI, the red light bandwidth is sufficient, the color gamut is wider, and the color saturation is It can surpass 90% NTSC color gamut and present images of people closer to real colors. For example, the effect of slight redness on the face can be achieved, so it can meet the demand for medical and industrial displays with high color quality requirements. In addition, the violet LED developed by ITRI has no problem in color distribution, color stability and color uniformity, and the product yield is doubled compared with the prior art. Due to the good luminous efficiency, the number of LEDs used in the display can be reduced, and the production cost is greatly reduced.

LEDs are widely used in backlights because of their power saving, energy saving and long life. However, the current LED backlight module uses a blue LED plus green phosphor powder and red phosphor powder. The blue LED is involved in the light mixing, and the yellow circle and the blue halo phenomenon occur due to the difference in the light emitting position and the phosphor powder. Angle color difference can only reach 80% NTSC level. Therefore, all major manufacturers around the world are striving to improve the color gamut range of liquid crystal displays, and strive to make images closer to real colors.


National Television Standards Committee The National Television Standards Committee's color television broadcasting standards, TV signal specifications. The NTSC is generally 525 line 60Hz, which means that there are 525 horizontal lines per picture and 60 pictures per second.

Color gamut

It is the richness of the color of a display. The display is a three-primary color image. The color displayed by the display is a partial set of three primary colors, but there is no way to express all the colors of visible light, and the color gamut value represents the color range that the display can display. The larger the color gamut, the richer the color of a color that can be displayed on the display screen, and the more vivid the color.

Bridge Rectifier

Rectifier bridge is to seal the rectifier tube in a shell. Points full bridge and half bridge. The full bridge connects the four diodes of the connected bridge rectifier circuit together. The half bridge is half of four diode bridge rectifiers, and two half bridges can be used to form a bridge rectifier circuit. One half bridge can also be used to form a full-wave rectifier circuit with a center-tapped transformer. Select a rectifier bridge to consider. Rectifier circuit and operating voltage.

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