The 12th Five-Year Plan of the Internet of Things or the September release of the industry scale exceeds 500 billion

The "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" for the development of the new-generation information technology industry that has received much attention has been completed. The "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" for the Internet of Things has received much attention as an important part of it. Relevant persons from the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology told the China Securities Journal that the “12th Five-Year Plan” of the Internet of Things is entering the stage of expert demonstration. It is expected that the Minister ’s Office will be held in September and will be released as soon as possible.

Along with the formulation of the "12th Five-Year Plan" for the Internet of Things, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has also drafted a guideline for promoting the development of the Internet of Things industry in China, which has now been reported to the State Council. In addition, the planning of the Wuxi Sensor Network Demonstration Zone has also been submitted to the State Council.

Industry scale may exceed 500 billion yuan

At present, China has formed a basically complete Internet of Things industrial system, and some areas have formed a certain market scale. "Some experts predict that the Internet of Things industry will form a trillion scale during the" 12th Five-Year Plan "period, but this argument is still controversial." According to people familiar with the matter, according to the "12th Five-Year Plan" for the Internet of Things prepared earlier, In 2015, the industry scale with core technology will reach 200 billion yuan, including 10 billion yuan for sensors, 70 billion yuan for system and test detection, 60 billion yuan for the chip, middleware and integrated module and equipment industries, engineering implementation, service development systems and 60 billion yuan in operation and maintenance.

In the White Paper on Internet of Things released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in May this year, China ’s Internet of Things-related industries will reach a scale of more than 500 billion at the end of the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” period. "Later. It is reported that the Telecommunication Research Institute of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is also one of the member units of the 12th Five-Year Plan Preparation Group of the Internet of Things.

The outline of China's "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" clearly states that it is necessary to "promote the research and development of key technologies of the Internet of Things and the application demonstration in key areas." The above-mentioned people introduced that the "12th Five-Year Plan" of the Internet of Things will lock the ten key application areas of the Internet of Things, namely smart grid, smart transportation, smart logistics, smart home, environment and safety testing, industry and automation control, medical health, precision agriculture Animal husbandry, finance and service industry, national defense and military; built 50 demonstration projects for IoT applications, 5 to 10 demonstration cities. It is reported that the planning of the Wuxi Sensor Network Demonstration Zone has now been submitted to the State Council.

It is understood that the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" of the Internet of Things will also provide targeted special plans for the above ten areas. Zhang Hongke, a member of the “12th Five-Year Plan” of the Internet of Things, stated that the key development direction of the intelligent transportation subdivision project is to monitor the real-time operation of rail transit, shipping traffic and highway traffic through smart chips and load cells, and then pass the data Processing to detect the speed, failure, location and overall traffic congestion of vehicles, and provide timely solutions for different situations. It is reported that smart transportation is currently growing rapidly with a market size of more than 100 billion yuan per year. Relevant experts expect that by 2015, transportation management alone will reach 40 billion yuan.

Multi-channel funding support

Recently, special funds for the development of the Internet of Things have been issued in 2011, and nearly one hundred Internet of Things companies have received financial support. This is also the first special fund set up by the state since the development of the Internet of Things industry. The IoT Special Fund focuses on four major projects: technology research and development, industrialization, application demonstration and promotion, standard development and public service.

It is understood that the IoT Special Fund totals 5 billion yuan, which runs through the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" period and is expected to be released within 5 years. The first batch of 500 million yuan IoT special fund declaration has been launched in May this year, and a total of more than 600 companies have declared. Finally, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has selected nearly 100 eligible companies and issued the first batch of special funds.

The relevant person in charge of the Enterprise Department of the Ministry of Finance stated that during the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" period, the central government will further improve the financial policy system supporting the development of the Internet of Things in accordance with China's Internet of Things development plan and its industrial development status Coordinate and cooperate, give full play to the guidance and incentive role of fiscal policy, actively attract social capital to increase investment in the Internet of Things, and actively encourage and support local governments with conditions to establish local fiscal policies to support the development of the Internet of Things.

In addition, Miao Wei, Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, recently wrote in Qiushi magazine that he will implement the preferential tax policies for supporting the development of high-tech industries and strategic emerging industries, establish special funds for the development of the Internet of Things, and establish a long-term and stable financial support mechanism And said that it will improve the investment and financing policies for the development of the Internet of Things, encourage banks and venture capital and social funds to invest in the Internet of Things industry, promote financial institutions to increase their efforts to support enterprise development, and support direct financing of enterprises in domestic and foreign capital markets.

Editor's note:

The Chinese government's "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" determines seven strategic emerging industries, and clearly outlines China's industrial roadmap for the next five years from the policy direction, which will have a significant impact on related industries. From today on, the newspaper occasionally launches a special edition of the "Industry Perspective" report, which provides in-depth coverage of the development direction and laws of strategic emerging industries, interprets industrial development policies, and perspectives on industrial development paths to provide references for investors.

While ordinary people are still struggling with the basic concept of "Internet of Things", many local governments have taken the Internet of Things industry as a pillar industry. Xi Guohua, deputy minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, revealed in a forum that more than 90% of the provinces in the country have adopted the Internet of Things as a pillar industry. Almost all first- and second-tier cities are currently building or planning to build IoT industrial parks.

According to public data released by various regions, by 2015, the scale of the Internet of Things industry in Guangzhou, Chongqing, Zhejiang, and Jiangsu will reach 100 billion yuan, 100 billion yuan, 200 billion yuan, and 400 billion yuan, respectively. Fujian Province proposed to realize the output value of 30 billion yuan of Internet of Things-related industries by 2012; Chongqing is also preparing to set up an Internet of Things industrial base, hoping that the output value of related industries will exceed 50 billion yuan in two years.

According to the expected scale of the Internet of Things industry in several provinces and cities mentioned above, the industrial scale of listed provinces and cities will reach 800 billion yuan by 2015.

In fact, there are still differences in the industry about the scale of the industry that the Internet of Things can really achieve. One of the participants in the preparation of the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" of the Internet of Things, the Telecommunication Research Institute of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology predicts that by the end of the "Twelfth Five-Year" period, the scale of China's Internet of Things related industries will reach more than 500 billion yuan. A survey report from the Technology Innovation Research Center of Tsinghua University predicts that the size of the Chinese Internet of Things market may exceed 1 trillion yuan by 2020.

According to Yi Xiaoxian, Economic Information Department of Chongqing Economic and Information Commission, after being approved to establish an IoT base, Chongqing will introduce a large number of IoT-related projects through park construction and investment promotion. The idea of ​​this operation is similar to the development of the Internet of Things industry in most regions in China.

At this stage, the Internet of Things industry is difficult to support the blossoming Internet of Things industrial base. It is understood that even with the relatively well-developed field of perception layer, the gap between domestic sensor, RFID and other sensor-side manufacturing industries, high-end software and integrated services is relatively large. At the same time, devices and services related to the Internet of Things, represented by core chip technology and chip packaging equipment, are still in their infancy.

Therefore, industry insiders view the local enthusiasm for the Internet of Things as an impulse to GDP. In order to stimulate investment, when the local government launched the Internet of Things base, there was no long-term planning and clear positioning. It blindly invested in the introduction of foreign systems and equipment, and built a large number of supporting facilities. Due to the lack of planning awareness and coordination mechanism, and insufficient resource sharing, problems such as high project research cost, low resource utilization rate of the base, and disorderly and repeated construction of a large number of projects have emerged.

The "12th Five-Year Plan" of the Internet of Things is about to be introduced. While describing the development prospects of the Internet of Things, the plan will also clarify the development ideas of the Internet of Things. For the "overheated" local Internet of Things investment, it seems that it needs careful study. Regarding the implementation of the plan, industry insiders also hope that national planning should be adopted to solve the problem of division among various departments, regions, and industries, and to change the current state of disorder, so that the Internet of Things industry has truly become a pillar industry everywhere.

Load Cell

According to the conversion method, Load Cell is divided into 8 categories, such as photoelectric type, hydraulic type, electromagnetic force type, capacitive type, magnetic pole change type, vibration type, gyro ceremony, and resistance strain type. It is a method that converts quality signals into measurable electrical signals The output device mainly has several styles such as S type, cantilever type, spoke type, plate ring type, bellows type, bridge type, and cylinder type.

The sensor has the following advantages:
(1) High impedance, low power, only requires very low input energy.
(2) Larger variation can be obtained, thus having higher signal-to-noise ratio and system stability.
(3) The dynamic response is fast, the working frequency can reach several megahertz, dense b contact measurement, the measured object can be a conductor or a semiconductor.
(4) The structure is simple. Strong adaptability, can work in harsh environments such as high and low temperature, strong radiation, etc., and has a wide range of applications.

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Xiaogan Yueneng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. ,

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