The first domestic 10kV live working robot took office

The first domestic 10kV live working robot took office The first 10 kV live working robot in China, jointly developed by the power supply company in Changzhi City of Shanxi Province and Shandong Luneng Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., was recently opened in Changzhi City, Shanxi Province.

Cui Xiangyang, technical staff of the robotic training course, introduced: “In the past, live work was fully armed, and people were particularly uncomfortable with windproof insulation clothing. In summer, work was done for 1 hour and it was wet all over, and it was particularly prone to heat stroke. ."

It is understood that the 10-kilovolt live working robot can completely replace the manual tasks such as electrified disconnection, live wiring, and replacement of drop insurance when the work frequency is high, which greatly shortens the live working time in the high altitude and improves the live working efficiency. It is to reduce the labor intensity of the operator, completely isolate the operator from the high-voltage line, and ensure the safety of the operator.

The picture shows the operators working on the insulated platform to operate live robots with two powerful robotic arms and two smart robots.

Graphic Overlay

Graphic Overlay,Panel Mount Tactile Switch,Custom Front Panel Membrane,Panel Tactile Switch Membrane


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