Chinese candle companies will collectively respond to EU anti-dumping - candles, anti-dumping

In response to the anti-dumping investigation initiated by the European Commission on the export of candles to China, the Asian candle king fought back. Yesterday, the reporter learned from the China Candle Industry Association that Chinese candle companies will “collectively respond”.

Qingdao Jinwang is the first in Asia and the third listed company in the world in the daily consumer candle industry. Qingdao Jinwang said that if the EU finally decides to impose anti-dumping duties, it may cause European importers to no longer purchase the products under investigation from the company's Chinese production base.

It is reported that in 2007 China exported 750 million US dollars of candles, of which 360 million US dollars were exported to the EU, accounting for 48% of the global market. It is China's largest market, so the anti-dumping case will have a huge impact on China's candle industry.

In response to the EU industry application, on February 16, the European Commission issued a case announcement: for ordinary candles, cone candles and similar products originating in China, in addition to commemorative and outdoor candles, anti-dumping investigations. Qingdao Jinwang executives believe that according to the gross profit margin of candle products, it does not belong to “dumping below the cost price”.

The China Candle Industry Association is organizing the all-candle industry in China to conduct industry-free defense. The industry association has held an emergency meeting in Beijing, and the larger candle manufacturers in China have basically participated in the meeting.

"Our candles are mainly sold in some places in Sichuan, and there are no export products." Wang Ling, head of the sales department of Chengdu Hope Candle Factory, told reporters. It is understood that the Hope Candle Factory at Shuangliu Airport is mainly engaged in the production and sale of white lighting candles and various craft candles. At the same time, the reporter also learned that there are still many manufacturers who want to sell only in the province but not for export. For example, the manufacturers of candles such as Xingwang and Yiyi are the same. Wang Ling explained to the reporter that since the candle is originally a meager profit product, the transportation cost will be a large expenditure, which is one of the main reasons why they do not export. It is reported that there are not many merchants in Chengdu doing candle business, and the candle factories are mainly distributed in some second- and third-tier cities around Sichuan.

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