"Cost" has become the bottleneck in the development of offshore wind power in the United States

Wind power is another important part of the development of marine resources.

The United States decided to achieve 80% of its electricity supply from renewable sources by 2035. The government also announced that it will contribute US$50.5 million to support research and development of offshore wind power technologies. The United States’ goal is to have 10 million kilowatts of offshore power generation capacity by 2020, and the cost of power generation is expected to drop from 20 cents per kilowatt-hour to 10 cents.

Today, the biggest bottleneck in offshore wind power generation is the higher cost. According to estimates by relevant agencies in the United States, the cost of onshore wind power is US$97 for every 1,000 kWh of electricity produced, US$211 for solar photovoltaic power generation, US$125 for gas turbine power generation, US$114 for nuclear power, US$109 for coal combustion, and offshore wind power. Power generation is $243. The main reason why the cost of offshore wind power is high is that offshore wind power plants are generally built in relatively deep sea areas. However, according to expert analysis, with the popularization of offshore wind power and further upgrading of technology, there is still much room for cost reduction.

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