Han Songhan: Analysis of the Success and Failure Cases of Enterprises' Listings

On December 19th, the 2009 LED Industry Investment and Market Strategy Forum was successfully concluded in Shenzhen Golden Central Hotel. The forum was hosted by the well-known domestic industry research, media organization Gaogong LED and National High-tech Enterprise Development LED Professional Committee. This forum invites Chen Yingchun, deputy mayor of Shenzhen, and Gao Lin, deputy director of LED project of Shenzhen Science, Industry and Trade Committee, and many LED industry experts, including Xiao Kewei, managing director of Jingke Electronics, Li Mantie, general manager of Lehman Optoelectronics, CTI Nie Pengxiang, vice president of China Testing and Testing Institute, Gu Yongde, chairman of Maoshuo Power, and Xiong Yingxiang, general manager of Deshida Optoelectronics. At the same time, many investors and institutional leaders attended and delivered speeches.

The topics of this forum are mainly focused on LED investment opportunities and risks, market development and how to finance. The content includes all aspects of the LED market and investment. Such as the traditional lighting to fight semiconductor lighting, the analysis of the success or failure of the company's listing report, the current status and strategy of the global LED market, order-for-investment: the fog of the lost LED industry.

Listing is the dream of many LED companies, so what issues should you pay attention to when applying for listing? Han Songhan, general manager of Bolong Xingye Investment Consulting Co., Ltd. told us that information disclosure, financial accounting, efficiency risks, and financing necessity are the main reasons for the failure of enterprises to apply for listing in the past years. He believes that LED packaging companies need to pay attention to the following issues: market contradictions and immature technology, industry technology development relies heavily on upstream monopoly enterprises, technical advanceability is difficult to express, price declines and the ability to maintain sustainable profitability, low management base The contradiction of market competition and the innovation of business model are difficult.

He said that the IPO of Hunan Kaimet gas was rejected. The reason is that the advanced nature of the chemical industry is difficult to explain clearly. The description of the industry status and market prospects can neither be blurred nor underestimated. Quantitative model derivation is very important. The technical relevance analysis of the project and the company's existing technology must be taken seriously.

Han Songhan, General Manager of Shenzhen Bolong Xingye Consulting

Progressive Punching

Stator and rotor laminations are an important part of motors and generators. For small-size and large batch laminations, we usually use the progressive punching. The advantage of progressive punching is that it can be mass-produced in a short time. But the cost of the progressive punching die is high and manufacturing period of progressive punching die is long. Usually the outer diameter is under 300mm.

Stator And Rotor Lamination By Progressive Punching,Rotor Lamination,Motor Rotor Stator,Motor Rotor

Henan Yongrong Power Co., Ltd , https://www.hnyongrongglobal.com

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