I believe that many people will inevitably have to buy a beautiful and practical lighting when they purchase home decorations. When I visited the IDEA International website, I found this water, environmentally friendly and economical solar standing light.
Robot solar vertical light
It is a well-known Japanese design brand IDEA International, and also launched a unique robotic solar standing light in response to the global trend of energy saving and carbon reduction.
Robot solar vertical light
This solar standing light, which does not require any wires, is about 30 centimeters high. It can self-sufficiently generate about eight hours of lighting power by collecting about two to five hours of sunlight from the environment.
Robot solar vertical light
In order to collect sunlight outside the house, its design is waterproof, so this solar vertical lamp is very suitable for being placed outside the house, which is a unique and design lighting device for the courtyard or entrance and stairwell. At present, this vertical lamp has been sold in Japan, and the price is evaluated. It only costs 1575 yen, so you can buy a designer's environmentally friendly vertical lamp.
Solar Panels collect clean renewable energy in the form of sunlight and convert that light into electricity which can then be used to provide power for electrical loads. Solar panels are comprised of several individual Solar Cells which are themselves composed of layers of silicon, phosphorous, and boron. Solar panels absorb the photons and in doing so initiate an electric current.
Pv Monocrystalline Module,Mono Module,Mono Solar Module,Pv Solar Module Half Cell
Jiangxi Huayang New Energy Co.,Ltd , https://www.huayangenergy.com