The renovation of the street lights in Guilin City has made the city brighter and brighter.

The Sixth Plenary Session of the Third Session of the Municipal Party Committee proposed to “make the city pick up”, which puts higher goals and requirements on urban lighting construction and management. At the same time, the street lighting renovation project in the old city was also one of the practical projects of the municipal party committee and the municipal government in 2009. After one year of hard work, the Municipal Urban Lighting Management Office has completed the reconstruction and construction of the streetlights for the road construction project of Wanfu Road and the third phase of Xihuan Road, Air Force Radar Station, Pingshan North Road, Donghuan Road and Fuguiyuan. At the same time, the street lighting renovation project in the old city has been basically completed, making Guilin City brighter and more awkward.

The old city streetlight renovation project includes 5 roads including Xihuan Road, Wumei Road, Binjiang Road, Longyin Road and Qixing Road. At the beginning of March, the Urban Lighting Management Office began work on site surveys, project budget estimates, reporting projects, and designing lamp types. At the beginning of June, after the establishment of the command structure for the street lighting renovation project in the old city, various tasks were quickly carried out.
The West Ring Road streetlight was remodeled from the Arctic Plaza to the General Junction. There were 321 street lights throughout the journey. The original street lamp was installed before the merger of the city. Because the trees along the road are prosperous, the foliage is blocked, and the light is seriously insufficient, it is difficult to meet the needs of the increasingly popular lighting. It is the top priority of this year's streetlight renovation. It is taken in the upper part of the original pole. The new brush white metal paint, the lower brush seaweed blue base, and the way to replace the lamps are modified. This saves money and makes the environment more beautiful while it is lit up.
Wanfu Road is a new road across the two counties of Guigui and Xiangshan. After the completion of Wanfu Road, there has been no installation of street lighting facilities, which has caused great hidden dangers to road traffic safety and social security along the line. The municipal party committee and the municipal government attached great importance to the construction of the street lamp construction of Wanfu Road, and specially arranged the construction fund of more than 19 million yuan. They repeatedly instructed to speed up the progress of the project and ensure the completion of the lighting before the end of the year.

At the beginning of this year, the Urban Lighting Management Office organized technical personnel to carry out on-the-spot investigation and lamp design for Wanfu Road streetlight construction. After continuous modification and improvement, the street lamp type “Xiangshan Water Moonlight” which is more suitable for Wanfu Road was designed. At the end of October, the Wanfu Road Engineering Command was established. In order to achieve the best results of the street lamp installation project, the command department adopted the method of first installing the 1km test section to see the effect and soliciting opinions. After comprehensively consulting various aspects, the installation plan was finalized.
At the beginning of November, the temperature in Guilin plummeted and heavy rain began, which caused great trouble to the construction. At this time, the installation of street lamps also entered a critical stage. Every day at 6 o'clock in the morning, the workers started the day's installation work with heavy rain and cold. The wind blows on the face, and the rain and sweat are intertwined. The head and body are sticky and the eyes are not clear, and they are wiped and put into battle. In order to facilitate the operation, the workers allowed the rain to be poured from the head to the feet. With the joint efforts of everyone, a beautiful and slim pole was erected on Wanfu Road. After a full and a half sprint, the installation of the Wanfu Road streetlight was completed on December 11th, ten days ahead of schedule.
Grasping the lighting facilities management and maintenance work is also an important part of the city to light up. The Urban Lighting Management Office further strengthened the night patrol work, and set up more than 20 night patrol teams to conduct uninterrupted inspections within 8 hours, achieving a timely and timely repair rate of 99.6% for urban lighting facilities maintenance classes. At the same time, the city lighting management office replaced a variety of wire and cable more than 200 kilometers, more than 23,000 light bulbs, more than 13,000 lamp shades, more than 200 sets of light poles, more than 45,000 light shades (times), and achieved full The annual lighting rate is over 98%.

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