Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Thermocouple Temperature Sensors 1. Advantages of Using Thermocouples 1. Wide temperature range: From low temperature to jet engine exhaust, thermocouples are suitable for most practical temperature ranges. Thermocouples measure temperatures from –200°C to +2500°C, depending on the metal wire used. 2, sturdy and durable: Thermocouple is a durable device, good shock and vibration resistance, suitable for dangerous environments. 3. Fast response: Because of their small size and low heat capacity, thermocouples respond quickly to temperature changes, especially when the sensing junction is bare. They respond to temperature changes in hundreds of milliseconds. 4, no self-heating: Because the thermocouple does not need to stimulate the power supply, it is not easy to self-heat, it is safe. Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Thermocouple Temperature Sensors 2. Disadvantages of Using Thermocouples 1. Complex Signal Conditioning: A large amount of signal conditioning is necessary to convert thermocouple voltages into usable temperature readings. Signal conditioning has always cost a lot of design time, and improper handling will introduce errors, resulting in reduced accuracy. 2. Low precision: In addition to the inherent inaccuracy of the thermocouple due to metal characteristics, the thermocouple measurement accuracy can only reach the measurement accuracy of the reference junction temperature, generally within 1 °C to 2 °C. 3, susceptible to corrosion: Because thermocouples are composed of two different metals, under certain conditions, corrosion over time may reduce accuracy. Therefore, they may require protection; and maintenance is essential. 4. Poor noise resistance: When measuring millivolt-level signal changes, noise generated by stray electric fields and magnetic fields may cause problems. Stranded thermocouple pairs can significantly reduce magnetic field coupling. The use of shielded cables or routing and shielding within metal conduits reduces electric field coupling. The measurement device should provide signal filtering in either hardware or software mode to effectively suppress the power frequency (50 Hz/60 Hz) and its harmonics.
Advantages and disadvantages of using thermocouple temperature sensors
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