AMD Ryzen processor prices plunged 30%, Intel Core Duo also increased prices

[PConline News] AMD has returned to the high-end processor market this year with its Ryzen processor, popularized the 8-core 16-thread processor for the desktop X86, and launched the 16-core 32-thread Threadripper processor at a price close to the price, forcing Intel to launch Core. The i9 processor does not say that it has also introduced seven generations and eight generations of Core processors in succession during the year. The mainstream market has begun to popularize six core processors. AMD turned over this year? From the Q2 and Q3 quarterly earnings reports, the performance has been good, but this is still a long way to go, Ryzen processor prices have been falling since its release, including the flagship Ryzen 7 1800X from the $ 499 suggested price all the way down, a drop of up to 29%, Other processors also have an unequal 10-20% drop.

AMD Ryzen 7 1800X electricity supplier price is being read...

The Guru3d website recently counted the price of AMD Ryzen processor series in the European Union. The subsequent update also included the prices in the United Kingdom, the United States, and Australia, confirming that AMD has a price adjustment action in many regions around the world, but the official also No comment posted.

From their statistical price point of view, Ryzen 7, Ryzen 5 and Threadripper series processors have different degrees of price cuts, which Ryzen 7 1800X recommended price of 499 US dollars, the average price in Europe is 479 euros, the cheapest at present as long as 340 euros, A decrease of 29% is equivalent to a 70% discount.

Other processors also saw price cuts, such as the Ryzne 7 1700X which cut prices by around 290 euros, a 21% drop, and Ryzen 7 1700 by 21%. The Ryzen 5 series had a slightly lower drop of about 8-14%, after all, they were originally lower prices.

The high-end Threadripper also has price adjustments, of which 1950X dropped from 1021 euros to 870 euros, a decrease of 19%, and 1920X, 1900X dropped by about 17 and 14%.

For this price cut, AMD officials have not officially stated their position, but usually officials rarely directly recognize price cuts. In addition, overseas black is approaching, and this price reduction may also be due to sales promotion.

AMD's sharp price cuts, Intel's 8-generation Core Duo can be different, the National Bank Core i7-8700K not only higher than the previous generation 7700K price 600 yuan, and has been out of stock recently, coupled with the reasons for Intel packaging errors, leading to the market Has been poor supply, Core i7-8700K prices firm, even once rose to 3999 yuan, two days in order to ease the supply of Intel, also began to produce 8 generations of Core processors in the packaging plant in Chengdu, China, help to increase productivity , I hope to make the price back to normal.

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