Application circuit diagram principle of LTC4365

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The LTC4365 protects applications where the power supply input voltage is likely to be too high, too low, or even negative. The device implements this protection by controlling the gate voltage of a pair of external N-channel MOSFETs to ensure that the output is within a safe operating range. It can withstand voltages from -40V to 60V, has a 2.5V to 34V operating range, and consumes only 125μA in normal operation. Its two comparator inputs provide an overvoltage (OV) and undervoltage (UV) set point configuration with an external resistive divider, and a shutdown pin is provided to enable and disable the MOSFET (metal - Oxide-semiconductor-field effect transistor, abbreviated as MOSFET, is a field-effect transistor that can be widely used in analog circuits and digital circuits. MOSFETs are based on their "channel" poles. Different in nature, it can be divided into n-type and p-type MOSFETs) and external control to place the device in a low current shutdown state. A fault output provides a low-level GATE pin state that indicates a fault when the device is stopped or the input voltage is outside the UV and OV setpoints.

LTC4365 classic application circuit diagram

LTC4365 classic application circuit diagram

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