How intelligent robots can be used in restaurants and restaurants to serve robotic solutions

We are not unfamiliar with food delivery robots, cooking robots and other products. Now that the catering industry has high labor costs, it is an inevitable trend that automation equipment replaces labor. So how do intelligent robots apply in the catering industry? Let us find the answer below.


System Solution

The restaurant service robot consists of welcome interactive robots, food delivery robots, and robot background scheduling systems.

The welcome interactive robot works alone in the restaurant lobby and interacts with customers through voice, expression, and action. Through the robot's touch screen, various promotional messages can be displayed in pictures and texts, and restaurants, special dishes, and promotions can also be introduced to customers through voice.

Robots can greet guests and wave. The customer can tell the robot destination (such as the name of the private room) by touch screen or voice, the robot can use voice to introduce the specific location of the private room to the customer, and use the arm movement to indicate the direction. The arm of the robot can cooperate with the chassis movement and perform dance performances with beautiful music to achieve the purpose of attracting customers and activating the atmosphere of the scene.

The food delivery robot has practical functions such as automatic meal delivery, empty tray recycling, automatic charging, etc. It can replace or partially replace the restaurant attendant to serve the customer and reduce the number of service personnel. The delivery robot has a cartoon shape, streamlined design and beautiful appearance. The robot body consists of a head, an arm, a dinner plate, and a sports chassis.

When the guests complete the meal, the robot can go to the meal-taking place. The staff put the dishes on the robot's tray, and input the table (or box) and confirmation information through the remote control device. The robot moves to the dining table and voice prompts the customer to pick himself up or wait for the waiter to bring the dish and drink to the seat. When the dishes or drinks are taken away, the robot voice prompts the customer or the waiter to touch the relevant return button, and the robot will automatically return to the pick-me-up or charging station according to the power level and the task schedule. If the customer has an empty plate and needs to be taken away by the robot, you can press the “send empty tray” button and the robot will move to the empty tray collection area with the empty tray.

When the restaurant is equipped with multiple robots, the robot background scheduling system can make each robot “greet” each other like a human waiter. When one robot is too busy, the back-end service software can coordinate another robot to complete the robot. Tasks that need to be performed to improve the efficiency of the robot.

The restaurant service robotic solution integrates high-tech technologies such as mobile robots, multi-sensor information fusion and navigation, and multi-modal human-machine interaction. The robot product can partially replace the restaurant attendant to serve customers, and can also attract attention and reduce service personnel. The role of quantity and upgrading of the restaurant's brand image has a high economic value.

At present, dining robots are still at the exploratory stage and the technologies are not mature enough. However, with the development of science and technology, the future will surely be an era of intelligence. Combining the catering industry with artificial intelligence is also an inevitable trend of development.

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