Mobile chips enter the traditional CPU market CPU industry is challenged

After the smart phone era was affected by the slowdown in the growth of the mobile phone market, mobile chip manufacturers are expanding into new application areas such as VR/AR, smart cars, and the Internet of Things. At the second Panlong Technology Summit held recently, Qualcomm United, together with Asus, Hewlett-Packard, and telecom operator Sprint, launched a new personal computer (PC) using the Snapdragon 835 platform, which features continuous Internet access and long-term battery life. Ability to adapt to high mobility. This shows that the mobile chip is cutting into the PC market traditionally occupied by general-purpose CPUs, and the original industrial structure is being challenged. The general-purpose CPU is also a key development area in China's integrated circuit industry. The country has given support through nuclear special projects and has achieved certain results. In the context of mobile chips entering the field, it is both an opportunity and a challenge for Chinese companies.

PC ecosystem partner grows further

During the second Panlong Technology Summit, Qualcomm of the United States highlighted to the global media the Snapdragon 835 processor + Win10 combo for personal computer applications. According to reports, terminal manufacturers can develop a new type of personal computer PC based on this combination, support the operation of Windows 10, have Gigabit LTE speed, and support always-on, always connected experience. In terms of battery life, it also supports more than 20 hours of battery life and up to 30 days of standby time.

Expanding from smartphones to personal computers, Qualcomm has been planning for a long time. In 2016, a personal computer equipped with Xiaolong's 820+windows10 operating system was exhibited, which aroused widespread concern in the industry. The technology summit can be seen, Qualcomm has invested more efforts, not only combined Microsoft as a partner, but also combined with the mobile operator Sprint, as well as terminal vendors Asus, HP, highlighting the integrity of the new product ecosystem Sex.

At the Technology Summit, Qualcomm Executive Vice President and President of QCT, Christiano Amon, and Terry Myerson, Executive Vice President of Windows and Devices Division of Microsoft, reaffirmed their cooperation, and the two companies have provided Windows 10 based on the Opteron platform in the past few months. On the progress made. ASUS CEO Shen Zhenlai announced the first Xiaolong platform Windows device, the ultra-lightweight notebook ASUS NovaGo, which is expected to be available early next year. Kevin Frost, vice president and general manager of consumer personal systems at Hewlett-Packard Co., Ltd., released a detachable HP ENVYx2 Opteron platform Windows Mobile PC. Kevin Frost, vice president and general manager of consumer personal systems at Hewlett-Packard Co., said: "The demand for mobility-intensive users requires a versatile device that connects to everything that matters when they need it. The HP ENVYx2 supports 4G LTE and Wi- Fi, which enables continuous online connections that can be taken anywhere."

As the flagship continued online performance, the role of telecom operators is very prominent. In this release, Günther Otttendorfer, chief operating officer of Sprint's technical department, announced that Sprint will support this continuously connected new PC category and expects to provide unlimited data traffic for the Opteron platform Windows ecosystem.

Traditional industry structure will change

For a long time, the personal computer market has been dominated by the Wintel Alliance. However, as the performance of mobile processors increases and people's demand for mobile Internet increases, the traditional PC industry landscape is changing. Since entering the era of mobile intelligence, both Microsoft and Intel's businesses have been challenged. Among them, after the success of the ARM architecture processor in the field of smart phones, it is constantly invading the market space traditionally occupied by the x86 architecture. Shen Zhenlai, CEO of ASUS, stated: "This marks the beginning of a new era of personal computers."

In addition, Qualcomm has also entered into a partnership with AMD to introduce Qualcomm's modem technology to AMD's high-performance Ryzen processor platform. Terminal vendors will be able to develop personal computers that not only support always-connected, Gigabit-class LTE speeds but also AMD Dyzen mobile processor performance. This will have a greater impact on the traditional personal computer chip industry and will change the original industry structure.

Alex Katouzian, senior vice president of Qualcomm Technologies and general manager of the mobile business, believes that mobile chip makers' entry into the PC market will have an impact on the original ecology. For example, the product update cycle of smart phones is fast, and it will be updated one generation in an average of six months, much faster than the original PC update cycle. As the mobilization of PCs deepens, this industry characteristic will also affect the PC industry.

Relevant experts also believe that the entire semiconductor chip market has previously seen Intel and Intel's CPU as the vane of the entire semiconductor industry. What Intel does represents the future of the semiconductor industry. This has been the case for the past two or three decades, but in the light of recent five years of development, Intel has actually not been able to represent the entire semiconductor industry. In the past five years, mobile communications, cloud computing, big data, and today’s labor have become the norm. Smart, we have seen very clearly, Intel has gradually drifted away from the development of the entire semiconductor industry. From the perspective of industry, no one can say that Intel has represented the future development direction of the chip, or that it fully represents the direction of development is no longer established. It can only be said that Intel represents the development direction of certain advanced technologies, but already Does not represent the overall development.

China's CPU opportunities and challenges coexist

The change of mobile processors to the traditional CPU industry will also affect China's processor companies. As an important area of ​​electronic information industry, general-purpose CPU has always been a key breakthrough in China. Over the years, the country has given strong support to domestic CPUs through major science and technology projects and achieved certain results. According to information released by major scientific and technological achievements, the single-core performance of CPUs such as Feiteng, Godson, Shenwei, and Siucore has increased five-fold from the beginning of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan period, and the technology has evolved from a single point of breakthrough to the entire ecosystem. The SMIC X86 general-purpose processor has been used in the mainstream machine manufacturers' products, making the domestic desktop processor's overall performance experience reach 80%. The "Godson" CPU was successfully applied to the new generation of Beidou navigation satellites.

Wei Shaojun, a professor at Tsinghua University, pointed out at ICCAD2017 that the IC design industry has achieved certain results at present. Based on the multimedia and other fields of communication, the future of China's integrated circuit design will increase the development of high-end general-purpose chips such as CPUs and storage.

However, as smartphone growth slows, mobile chips are expanding into more new areas. The global chip industry will also be remodeled. This is both an opportunity and a challenge for China's general-purpose CPU industry. In this regard, Siu-Chip Group Vice President Fu Cheng believes: "The general-purpose CPU is a high-integration technology chip product, and has a high demand for enterprise technology accumulation. Both Intel and other companies entering the related fields are accumulating and advancing. If Chinese companies want to achieve results in this area, they must go through a long process of technology accumulation. Everyone should calm down and work hard instead of tangling up with short-term interests. Chinese companies can only be rooted in popular applications. Whether it is a commercial or office application market, they can all gain a certain market foundation. It is believed that every company can also achieve corresponding results."

Fu Cheng also pointed out that CPU not only tests the chip design, but also has a high requirement for process manufacturing. Therefore, different companies in the industry chain need to cooperate with each other, twist one rope, and rush forward together. Only by doing so, can the product be well-equipped and give full play to the proper performance of the product.

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