Regular maintenance of elevator equipment - Solutions - Huaqiang Electronic Network

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As is well known, elevators, like other electromechanical devices, require regular inspection, maintenance and maintenance. Through regular maintenance and maintenance of the elevator equipment, the elevator can be maximized and meet the original design and manufacturing standards and technical requirements; and the safe and reliable operation of the elevator equipment can be guaranteed, the failure rate can be reduced and the service life of the elevator equipment can be extended. However, how to effectively carry out regular inspection, maintenance and maintenance of elevator equipment is a topic that every elevator manufacturer, installation maintenance unit and elevator user attach great importance to and pay attention to. Know, discuss and discuss with everyone.
1 Establish management system in maintenance work management and hardware application, and continuously improve hardware conditions. In the maintenance work management and hardware application, each installation maintenance unit should establish a complete and systematic guarantee for the quality of regular maintenance work. Management systems and measures; and continuously improve hardware conditions, improve the efficiency, quality and user satisfaction of maintenance work.
1.1 A post responsibility system must be established to closely integrate the documented and written management of the maintenance work with the methods of user confirmation and supervision.
(1) Due to the uniqueness of the maintenance work, it is determined that it has the characteristics of large workload, large-scale maintenance work and maintenance work time, which is difficult to control and manage. Therefore, it is necessary to put the corresponding maintenance ladder regularly. Inspection, maintenance and maintenance work, respectively, to the relevant personnel. In this way, it can not only adjust and improve the initiative, flexibility and work responsibility of the on-site maintenance personnel; it can also strengthen the on-site maintenance work.
(2) The maintenance work and its effect are good or bad, the user has the most say; let the maintenance personnel report the work and results of the regular maintenance to the user in writing, and get the signature of the user, and the result feedback Company (reserved at the end of the archive). In this way, the maintenance work can be effectively supervised and managed, and the user's satisfaction can be improved.
1.2 It is necessary to establish a system for regularly visiting users, collecting user feedback information, and conducting quality inspection, supervision and management of maintenance work.
(1) A special management system should be established to regularly send people to visit users, obtain user feedback information, and timely feedback first-hand information such as user/site information obtained to design, manufacturing, technology, installation and other departments for product quality and Improve work; dynamically track and process user queries or complaints to improve customer satisfaction.
(2) Of course, the supervision of the maintenance work is not enough by the user's supervision or confirmation (because the user is not a professional after all). It is necessary to carry out regular sampling inspections by the leaders responsible for maintenance work and maintenance supervisors, and to manage them in combination with the irregular special inspections of full-time quality inspection (acceptance) personnel. Ensure that regular maintenance work can be carried out in strict accordance with technical maintenance procedures, so as to effectively supervise, control and manage regular maintenance work ( attendance, safety, quality of maintenance and service conditions, etc.).
1.3 The user file of the maintenance ladder must be established--the maintenance platform database management system to improve the efficiency of maintenance management.
(1) For each maintenance platform user, a user profile must be established, especially for the elevator that has just been put into use, the use of the elevator and the failure of various important parts (such as door system, electrical control system, mechanical system, etc.) In the case, enter the maintenance database management system, and then perform classification, statistics and analysis processing. In this way, the cause of the high failure rate of the elevator can be found, and then the "precautionary medicine" is continuously improved to improve the quality of the product and the quality of the installation maintenance work, improve the reliability of the elevator equipment, and reduce the elevator failure rate.
(2) According to the established user profile data, the original data of the use and failure of the elevator and the maintenance work (including replacement parts) can be accumulated. Through the statistics and analysis of these data, the factors affecting the reliability of the elevator (such as computer crashes, parts that are prone to wear or failure, etc.) are pre-processed or replaced with consumables; positive and preventive maintenance is adopted. Maintenance measures can improve the efficiency of maintenance work and user satisfaction.
(3) It is possible to input daily work data of maintenance personnel, maintenance records, and daily work data such as the use of the user ladder, faults and replacement parts (including the electricity/elevator annual inspection time, cost information, etc.) into the maintenance ladder. Database management system. It is conducive to strengthening the supervision, control and management of the work of the maintenance personnel. It is also conducive to the specific determination of the specific maintenance work cycle of the elevator of the user, the formulation of the maintenance plan or the large and medium-sized repair plan, and also beneficial to various management tasks. And the implementation of specific management measures.
1.4 For qualified user units (such as relatively large number of elevators, centralized users or regions), a remote monitoring/monitoring system can be used to implement 24-hour hotline call-up service to improve user satisfaction.
(1) The remote monitoring/monitoring system can timely monitor and record the elevator's operation, faults and maintenance work, etc., in order to effectively implement the 24h hotline call repair service, improve user satisfaction, and lay a solid material condition and foundation. .
(2) The remote monitoring/monitoring system can also effectively monitor and manage the working conditions of the maintenance personnel (such as the timeliness of the repair service and the maintenance work time), which can greatly improve the efficiency and quality of the maintenance work. It is conducive to the rationalization and scientific management of maintenance work.
2 Technically formulated technical rules for regular periodic inspection and maintenance Technically, technical regulations for regular cycle inspection and maintenance of various specific types of elevators should be formulated and strictly implemented in order to be technically and effectively guaranteed. The quality of regular inspection, maintenance and maintenance work on elevator equipment.
2.1 For the characteristics of different types of elevators and the specific use of the user, the need for special technical procedures for periodic inspection and maintenance:
(1) Elevator equipment, like other electromechanical equipment, must adopt different maintenance intervals according to different conditions such as its use environment and frequency of use, in order to ensure the safe and reliable operation of elevator equipment, reduce the failure rate and extend the service life of equipment. .
(2) Usually, the regular cycle maintenance cycle of the elevator has six methods: daily inspection, weekly inspection, monthly inspection, quarter inspection, annual inspection, special inspection, etc., and special inspections are made for the characteristics of different types of elevators and the specific use of the users. It is necessary to maintain the work content or plan. Because each maintenance system and method has its own key points and specific contents, it is closely linked and closely related to each other in the front and rear links. The maintenance personnel must formulate the situation according to the current situation of the elevator and the frequency of use. The specific maintenance method of the ladder, and then carefully and strictly according to the technical regulations and the formulated maintenance plan, can truly ensure the safe and reliable operation of the elevator, reduce the failure rate and extend the service life.
2.2 The similarities and differences of various maintenance systems (periodic cyclic maintenance inspection cycle), as well as the key parts of maintenance and their specific technical requirements:
(1) Daily inspection and maintenance system. It is applicable to the daily inspection and maintenance of elevators of major engineering projects with a large number of elevators, and the permanent maintenance personnel on site. Of course, it is also suitable for the maintenance of the user unit ladders of self-contained maintenance workers. The specific inspection content can also be used as the first inspection content for the daily maintenance inspection of the leader responsible for the maintenance work. 1 Ask the maintenance personnel to know the elevator usage daily to the elevator driver or administrator, and inspect the elevator operation and the use of each part in person, and make a daily record. 2 The key parts of daily inspection and maintenance should be placed on the reliability of the elevator operation (ie the correctness of the elevator operation, the stability of the elevator running speed and the presence or absence of faults), to ensure that the elevator does not have faults and safe operation. 3 In the correctness of the elevator operation, mainly check the buttons, signal indication, leveling, elevator operation, super full load function and so on. 4 In terms of elevator operation stability, it is mainly checked whether the speed is normal and stable when the elevator is running, whether there is abnormal noise, and whether the door machine is normally stable when the door is opened or closed. #p#分页头#e#
(2) Check the maintenance system weekly. It is suitable for the use of elevator equipment with very high frequency, as well as the maintenance of key and key user unit elevators. Of course, the weekly inspection and maintenance work content is also suitable for the inspection content of the maintenance supervision quality inspection work. 1 The focus of weekly inspections and maintenance work should be on checking the safety devices of the elevators and the flexibility of the elevators. 2 In terms of the safety and reliability of the elevator running safety device, it is mainly necessary to check the reliability of each door lock, electrical interlocking contact and safety circuit of each layer of the elevator, as well as the braking performance of the brake and the safety protection device of the car door. . 3 For the flexibility of elevator running parts, it is mainly necessary to check and maintain the flexibility of the sliding door slider and the moving parts of the door machine, as well as the rotational cleaning and lubrication of the motor, worm gear and guide wheel.
(3) Check the maintenance system monthly. Suitable for routine maintenance of most well-operated elevators. Of course, the monthly inspection and maintenance work can also be used as a check for the quality of maintenance work by maintenance supervisors and full-time quality inspectors. 1 The main point of monthly inspection and maintenance work is to check the firmness and integrity of parts that may be loose and easy to wear due to frequent operation of the elevator (such as the car door), so that the elevator is intact and firm in the overall structure. Safe and reliable working condition. 2 In terms of the firmness of the fastening parts of the elevator, the contents to be inspected and maintained are mainly bolts, door door self-resetting door devices, rail bracket plate bolts, traction rope heads, balance compensation devices, control cabinets Each electrical setting screw, hoistway information device, etc. 3 For the completeness and reliability of the sliding parts due to slippage, the contents to be inspected for maintenance or replacement are mainly the sliding door pulley block, the door machine transmission belt, the boot lining of the guide shoes, the fuse lead of each fuse, Traction wire rope, etc. 4 Of course, for elevators that have not undergone daily inspections and weekly inspections and maintenance work, the contents of the corresponding daily inspection and weekly inspection and maintenance work requirements (maintenance and inspection items) must be included in the scope of monthly maintenance work, and Carry out a more comprehensive cleaning and regular inspection and maintenance of the elevator.
(4) Quarterly inspection and maintenance system. It is suitable for the maintenance of user elevators with good running conditions and low frequency of use, as well as maintenance that is not carried out or negligent and missed when performing normal monthly maintenance work. Similarly, the contents of the quarterly inspection and maintenance work can also be used as inspection contents by the maintenance supervisors and the full-time quality inspectors during the quality inspection of the maintenance work. The focus of inspection and maintenance work in the first quarter should be placed on the inspection, adjustment and maintenance of the matching clearance or relative size between the components that affect the reliability of the elevator operation, and take into account the negligence and omission of daily inspection, weekly inspection and monthly inspection. local. In the second quarter maintenance, the main contents of checking and adjusting the matching clearance or relative size between the moving parts of the elevator are the inspection and adjustment of the automatic door machine system, the door knives and the floor sill spacing of each floor, and the electrical interlocking of the car door. Reliable meshing of the contacts, as well as the tension between the ropes of the traction wire rope, the clearance of the brakes, the distance between the striker of the car counterweight and the top surface of the bumper, the clearance between the safety wedge and the rails Layer accuracy, etc.
(5) Annual inspection and maintenance system. Applicable to routine inspection and maintenance of elevators before the annual inspection of government departments. Of course, the annual inspection and maintenance work content can also be used as a must-check for the quality inspection of the annual inspection and maintenance work of the full-time quality inspection personnel. The focus of the annual inspection and maintenance work is to carry out a comprehensive and systematic inspection and maintenance work on the safety and reliability of the elevator, the wearable parts and the important dimensions of each system component. 2 For the elevators that need annual inspection and maintenance, the parts to be inspected and maintained and the main contents are: inspection and testing of the performance and safety reliability of the elevator, replacing the wearable parts and their complete reliability, and affecting the elevator work reliably. Inspection, adjustment, etc., of important fit clearances or relative dimensions between the various moving parts.
(6) Special inspection and maintenance system. Applicable to the case that the elevator has a long service life and/or many problem faults. The period of special inspection and maintenance is generally 3 to 5 years. Of course, it varies according to the specific use and maintenance status of the elevator. <Or advance or delay> . Similarly, the special inspection and maintenance work content can be used as a must-check for the quality inspection of the special maintenance quality inspection personnel. 1 The special inspection and maintenance work of the elevator is the repair or overhaul of the project we usually say. It is necessary for the maintenance personnel to determine the content of the special inspection and maintenance according to the specific conditions of the elevator. However, the safety items involved (such as speed limiter safety clamps, safety circuit switches, door protection systems, etc.) must be taken as a special inspection item for special inspection and maintenance. 2 Although the specific conditions of the elevator are different, the contents of the special inspection and maintenance of the elevator, that is, the contents of the project repair or overhaul work will be different, but the common special repair items include: traction machine brakes, various sheaves, guide rails, traction wire ropes, sedan Inspection, maintenance or replacement of floor doors, compensation devices, shaft information devices, and electrical components in control cabinets.
It is a complicated and challenging task to really do regular maintenance and maintenance work on elevator equipment; and there is no good or fixed regulation or format for the maintenance of elevator equipment. On the one hand, on the one hand, continuous improvement and improvement in management and hardware; on the other hand, technically, in accordance with the technical requirements of elevators of specific models of various manufacturers and the specific use of elevator equipment, a plan for regular periodic inspection and maintenance is formulated and carefully Implementation can truly enable the elevator equipment to pass the effective regular maintenance and maintenance, meet the original design and manufacturing standards and technical requirements, and reduce the failure rate and extend the service life of the elevator equipment.

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