Haier air conditioning "making air" to master the right to speak in the world of healthy air

On May 8th, Haier Air Conditioning demonstrated a complete set of smart air solutions at the Australian Refrigeration Show, and announced the listing of Haier's new self-cleaning air conditioners in the local area, accelerating the layout of the “good air” in the southern hemisphere. Just a month ago, Haier Air Conditioning and the University of Geneva's Earth and Environmental Science Laboratory reached a cooperation on healthy air research and established the first overseas health air research laboratory. The British "Financial Times" pointed out that to accelerate the process of globalization of healthy air, Haier has become the first brand of air-conditioning in the Internet of Things era, and has mastered the right to speak of the world's healthy air.

Established Swiss Health Air Research Laboratory to accelerate the distribution of “good air” globally

It is understood that the University of Geneva, Switzerland is a famous university with a history of 500 years. The school's Earth and Environmental Science Laboratory has made great achievements in promoting basic research in environmental science and the application of social issues, such as the impact of human activities on the environment, the air, and the management of natural resources. At present, Haier Swiss Health Air Research Laboratory, through the research of experts and professors, not only analyzes the Haier net air-conditioning “swallowing” experiment which is very popular in Haier’s national market, and uses the academic and experimental experiments of experts and professors. , complete the experimental report of air purification comparison, let Haier "healthy air" at a glance.

This report turns the practice of healthy air into theory and becomes the theoretical basis for Haier to better serve the global self-cleaning users, leading the self-innovation of the air-conditioning industry.

From "making air conditioning" to "making air", Haier has the right to speak the world's healthy air

In the era of the Internet of Things, air-conditioning hardware has become a carrier, and what users really need is healthy and good air. Haier Cave learned the transformation of user demand and took the lead in completing the transformation from “making air conditioner” to “making air” and becoming the first brand of air conditioner in the Internet of Things era. At present, Haier has exported healthy air to the world. Self-cleaning air conditioners are exported to 20 countries around the world. Smart air conditioners are exported to 59 countries around the world to meet the smart and healthy air demand of global users.

For example, after Haier’s self-cleaning air conditioner “cleans itself and cleans others” has been built in China, Vietnam, India, Pakistan, Thailand, etc., Haier Air Conditioning announced the export to Australia and New Zealand at the Australian Refrigeration Exhibition held on May 8. F series easy to install self-cleaning air conditioner. The F-series easy-to-install self-cleaning air conditioners help the local installer save 50% of the installation time while cleaning the indoor air, while also saving 80% of service time.

In 2018, Haier's complete set of healthy air solutions appeared in the world. At the world-famous CES show in Las Vegas, Shanghai AWE and MCE in Milan, Haier Air Conditioning exhibited a complete set of smart air solutions, which were interconnected through a complete set of network devices to upgrade the whole scene and all-space one-stop smart air. Active service. Among them, Haier can “swallow” the net clean air conditioner at the Milan exhibition to attract the attention of the global media: CCTV Financial Channel reported the Milan exhibition, the close-up lens is aimed at Haier “swallow” air-conditioning; the British “Financial Times” "Haier exhibited at MCE 2018: The first brand of air-conditioning in the Internet of Things era", introduced Haier's "making air" results, and introduced "swallowing" air conditioners to a global audience.

Haier not only focuses on the smart air program, but also promotes the standardization and standardization of China's smart air conditioners and masters the national standard voice. In January 2018, Haier just took the lead in formulating the national standard for intelligent air conditioners. Up to now, the national standard of air-conditioning industry has reached 24, of which Haier has led the formulation of 21, accounting for more than 90%, involving air-conditioning products performance, safety, reliability, installation and other fields.

Under the guidance of the "one person in one" mode, Haier air-conditioning breaks the hardware thinking of the industry, kicks off the transition from "making air-conditioning" to "making air", and outputs a complete set of smart air solutions to create the first brand of air-conditioning in the Internet of Things era. . Up to now, Haier Air Conditioning, which has transformed the “making air”, has captured 10 global firsts in the global interconnected air conditioners (including smart air conditioners), covering the United States, China, Russia, Italy and other countries. According to the data of Qingdao Haier's 2017 annual report and the 1st quarter of 2018, Haier air conditioner's average retail price in the first quarter was 4,486 yuan, ranking first in domestic brands. In the first quarter of 2018, Haier's air conditioners increased by 33.2%, ranking first in the industry.

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