Industrial robot companies "grab the beach" market

In recent years, China has developed rapidly in the intelligent industrial robotics industry, and the Chinese market has experienced significant growth, with even greater development potential. At present, the international industrial robot manufacturing center is shifting to China. As a manufacturing powerhouse of intelligent industrial robots, China has a promising market. Affected by labor costs and population structure, the robotics industry in Asia has grown rapidly and China has become the world's largest robot market.

Although not yet reaching the level of science fiction, robot-related scientific and technological progress is still very alarming. The rapid development of this industry in recent years is particularly eye-catching, and behind this is a traditional manufacturing industry that has been profoundly reshaped. Almost in sync with advances in robot-related technology, an intelligent manufacturing competition has also opened the curtain on a global scale.

According to the “World Robot Report 2017” published by IFR, the Chinese robotics industry is growing at an unprecedented rate and is becoming a leader in the global robotics industry. In 2016, China's sales of industrial robots increased by 27% to 87,000 units, accounting for nearly one-third of the world's total. At the same time, Chinese robot manufacturers are expanding their share in the domestic market. From 2018 to 2020, the annual sales of Chinese robots are expected to increase by an average of 15% to 20% each year.

The wide integration of industrial robots in industry and manufacturing significantly improves the quality of industry and manufacturing, saves labor, reduces costs, and achieves precision manufacturing. At present, robots have become a market for companies to compete for "occupy the beach." Many investors are actively involved in the robotics industry.

In recent years, advanced manufacturing and strategic emerging industries are becoming the main driving force for industrial growth. At present, the added value of high-tech manufacturing accounts for more than 12% of the industries above designated size, and the proportion of equipment manufacturing industry accounts for more than 32%. It can be said that the industrial technology content and development level are further improved.

However, the core competitiveness of China's industrial robot industry still needs to be strengthened. The first is that the technical level is not high and the self-owned brand rate is low. Second is the low density of robot use. At present, there is still a big gap between foreign robots in accuracy, longevity, and reliability.

In addition, according to statistics, there are nearly 1,000 robot manufacturing companies in China, most of which are based on assembly and processing. In this regard, the government must strengthen the guidance and promotion, do a good job in layout planning, and then integrate R&D and development forces to break through the shortcomings of the core key technologies. Encourage international mergers and acquisitions to expand the market share of self-owned branded products.

Due to fierce competition in the industrial robot market, in order to seize the market share, they had to lower prices and sacrifice some profits. However, with the expansion of the scale of the company's industrial robots, the scale effect will reduce the cost of the product, and at the same time it will have more bargaining power in the procurement of certain raw materials. Therefore, in the short-term, the gross margin of industrial robots will decline slightly, but in the long run, the gross margin will increase steadily. The chairman of the International Robot Federation, Qiao Jiema, said that China is currently the world's largest robot market, "can be reflected in both sales and production."

With the continuous advancement of automation technology and machine learning, all common laborers will gradually see their jobs disappear into the army of robots, in addition to professionals with the highest professional skills requirements. Optimists may hope that the consequences of automated technology may limit workers' enjoyment of their free time and achieve more meaningful personal pursuits. Whether or not automation technology will cause all living standards to become higher—or to cause further imbalances—to make unbalanced economies even more unequal. All the results are to be observed.

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