Radium successfully developed the first 16-channel integrated amplifier chip for the Lidar receiver

The domestic laser radar benchmark enterprise Radium God Intelligence officially announced on May 18, 2018 that Radium has successfully developed the first 16-channel integrated amplifier chip for the laser radar receiving end. It has been professionally tested to meet the technical requirements of design indicators and can be used. Single-wire, 4-wire, 8-wire, 16-wire, 32-wire, 48-wire, 64-wire and MEMS solid-state, OPA phased array solid-state laser radars.

This will be the first 16-channel integrated amplifier chip at home and abroad. After mass production, the chip with independent intellectual property rights will reduce the cost of TOF laser radar by 30%. At the same time, the development of this chip has been successful, greatly shortening the technological gap between Chinese and foreign laser chip core chips.

Radium successfully developed the first 16-channel integrated amplifier chip for the Lidar receiver

On the same day, Radium Intelligence was officially opened in Jiashan's factory. The 15,000-square-meter production plant in Jiashan Valley has invested nearly 100 automated and semi-automated production lines, which will fully produce Ras 4, 8 and 16 Line, 32 line and 48 line laser radar.

This will greatly increase the production capacity of multi-line laser radar products, and solve the problems of imbalance in supply and demand, high price and long supply period of global laser radar market demand.

With the development of the autonomous driving industry, the market for automotive laser radar has gradually opened up at home and abroad. In the traditional robot laser radar market, the Radium Intelligence has a place. In 2017, the development of automotive laser radar was started. The C1 series of automotive laser radars and the CX series of multi-line laser radars have been successfully developed.

At present, Radium Intelligence is stepping up the development of solid-state laser radar, and it is expected that 3D FLASH and MEMS solid-state laser radar will be launched in the middle of the year.

Choosing the right time to cut into the laser radar for the vehicle has always been valued by Hu Xiaobo, the founder/chairman of Radium Intelligence. Hu Xiaobo previously told the "High-tech Smart Car" that the company has accumulated the basic core technology of laser radar and self-driving. It is a long-term development process. It is a suitable time to choose to enter the automotive laser radar market in 2017.

Radium Intelligence completed the financing at the end of 2017, and quickly launched a multi-line laser radar, and developed a solid-state laser radar, which seems to him to be the right time.

Starting with machinery, finally solid

For the automotive market, Radium has developed two series of products: C1 series and CX series laser radar. The C1 series is a TOF vehicle laser radar, which adopts the TOF (TIme of Fight) principle design and performs 360° two-dimensional scanning detection on the surrounding environment.

This series of laser radars is divided into several models according to the detection distance. This series of products are mainly used in automotive assisted driving (ADAS), unmanned driving, and used with Radium God intelligent car assisted driving software. It can realize vehicle forward spacing warning, vehicle double-side gap warning, vehicle steering blind zone warning, vehicle lane departure warning. And other functions.

The products are manufactured according to the car grading standards, and the IP protection level is high, which can be customized according to the scene and user needs. Divided into different models, the measurement range of the product covers the range of 10m~200m. The radar error is small, the whole data error is within ±3cm, 70% of the data error is within ±1cm, and 95% of the data error is within ±2cm. The angular resolution is 0.18 ° and can be customized according to user needs.

The CX series of multi-line laser radars are capable of 3D scanning detection of the surrounding environment. The series of laser radars are divided into 4 lines, 8 lines, 16 lines, 32 lines, and 48 lines according to the number of scanning lines. This series of products can be applied in a wide range of applications, such as automotive assisted driving (ADAS), driverless, industrial automation, security, map mapping, disaster detection, scientific research and other fields.

The CX series is a traditional mechanical laser radar, which is currently being used by many companies in the industry. However, due to its complicated mechanical structure and high price, it is difficult to meet the requirements of the vehicle regulations. Therefore, both OEMs and radar manufacturers have placed the attention of the laser-based laser radar on the solid-state laser radar.

Therefore, in the pursuit of the mechanical rotating laser radar harness, Radium Intelligence has not blindly followed the trend, but set the upper limit of 48 lines.

Hu Xiaobo said that the mechanical laser radar used in autonomous driving, 48 lines can already meet the requirements, blind pursuit of the pursuit of too high Wire Harness is not very practical. Although mechanical laser radar has its advantages and disadvantages, he believes that in the future, before the solid-state radar technology is mature, low-line laser radar has a certain market in the limited scene.

Full range of autonomous driving solutions

For autonomous driving and ADAS, Radium Intelligence offers different solutions.

Radium Intelligent's ADAS solution is based on the parallel operation of the single-line lidar real-time output data and the visual algorithm. When the vehicle is inadvertently deviated from the lane due to driver negligence, fatigue, etc., the distance from the preceding vehicle is too close, and the vehicle is near the side. When the vehicle is overtaking, the system can automatically issue a warning until the driver corrects the driving direction or actively controls the safety distance. Specific applications include vehicle contour and vehicle type detection, and railway line foreign object intrusion detection.

Radium's automatic driving solution uses a multi-sensor fusion method. In addition to laser radar, it also adapts to monocular cameras, binocular cameras, and millimeter-wave radars.

Through the detection of the surrounding road environment by multiple sensors, the sensor functions can be complemented; the lane line information, obstacle attributes and obstacle operation status information of the road are extracted by the data fusion algorithm, and the comprehensive analysis gives the warning information to remind the driver. Control the vehicle to ensure safe driving.

Radium's applications for autonomous driving include road measurement with single-line lidar plus camera, road environment reconstruction based on multi-line lidar, pedestrian detection based on multi-sensor fusion, and road detection.

Expanding the capacity of the factory and popularizing the laser radar

Lidar can greatly improve the measurement accuracy, and has an irreplaceable advantage in constructing high-precision maps and detecting obstacles. However, since getting on the train in 2004, Lidar has not been widely used, and the core problem is the high price.

Looking at the world, the rapidly rising market demand and ultra-low supply have severely restricted the industry breakthrough of laser radar.

Take the US laser radar manufacturer Velodyne as an example: since 2016, the plant has been expanded and production is expected, but so far, due to the high dependence of laser radar production on manual assembly, it is difficult to produce, and the market is experiencing explosive growth in the demand for laser radar. The problem of the goods has not been alleviated.

In the open market, offline channels even adopted a price increase sales strategy for the price of their multi-line laser radar. The mass production capability of laser radar has become the biggest bottleneck for industrial breakthroughs.

At the same time, due to the precise and complex structure, the mass production of laser radar is difficult to achieve. Lidar companies at home and abroad rarely choose to build their own production lines and choose to pay for the foundry, which results in low yield and high cost of laser radar. situation.

In order to break this situation, Radium chose the self-built self-built automation production line. Choosing a self-built production line is a path that few people take, because self-built production lines mean more costs.

But Hu Xiaobo believes that laser radar is a comprehensive product of hardware, software and algorithms. There are a lot of flaws involved in the production process. If it is simply delivered to the foundry, it is difficult to cooperate with each other. The self-built factory guarantees the mass production yield rate to a large extent, and at the same time controls the production cost and solves the problems of high price of laser radar products.

The opening of the Radium God Jiashan Factory will greatly complement the current production capacity of Radium God's multi-line laser radar, and solve the problems of insufficient production capacity and high price of global multi-line laser radar.

At present, Radium is located in the 3,000 square meters production plant in Shenzhen. The TOF single-line laser radar has a capacity of 700 units/day; the triangular laser radar has reached 1,000 units/day. Products have been widely used in robotic autonomous navigation, AGV anti-collision warning, driverless, assisted driving, industrial automation, intelligent security and mapping.

Thanks to efficient production guarantees, the cost of triangulation lidar and TOF single-line and 16-line lidar is reduced, and customers are able to use the laser radar with the best cost performance, which greatly reduces the procurement cost.

Lidar also has core pain

Compared with other laser radar manufacturers, Radium Smart is behind the front end of the industry, in addition to the advanced optical device research and development capabilities, as well as a strong nuclear "heart" chip development capabilities.

At present, Radium is the only company in China that has independently developed a laser radar integrated circuit chip. Following the realization of the laser chip receiver chip at the end of 2017, the 518 Radium Jiashan factory opened, Hu Xiaobo also released the first domestic multi-line and solid-state laser radar core chip.

The ASIC packaged chip is smaller than the fingernail. According to Guo Fengshou, director of intelligent technology of Radium, the chip with SIP system-level package has the highest processing capacity of 160-line laser radar products.

The biggest difference between this chip and the traditional laser radar chip is that it integrates multiple functions and configuration control of receiving analog signal processing, and supports a variety of TOF laser radar design applications.

Previously, Lidar's receiving analog signal processing mostly used multiple discrete components. Radium Smart integrated high-frequency high-bandwidth analog transistors, multi-stage gain configurable low-noise amplifiers, multi-switch selectors and power control units. In the chip smaller than the fingernail, the multi-line laser lidar analog receiving process can be realized by a single chip, which not only greatly reduces the volume of the laser radar signal processing circuit, but also effectively reduces the analog receiving process and the power consumption of the whole machine. .

It is reported that the core components such as integrated circuits required for domestic laser radar signal processing are mainly dependent on imports, which raises the production cost of laser radar to a certain extent.

After the new integrated chip is supplied in volume, the mass production cost of the laser radar will be firmly controlled, and the same function can be achieved only by the original 5%-10%.

The domestic chip industry has been relatively weak, and it has been reflected in all walks of life, especially in the high-tech field. Chips with independent intellectual property rights can not only guarantee the supply, but also the cost will be greatly reduced.

Radium has been in the field of laser radar for many years, and has a deep understanding of this, so it is determined to attack the chip problem and pave the way for the large-scale application of automotive laser radar in the future.

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