Accelerating the era of intelligent manufacturing Tianjin welcomes the arrival of a new era

With the deep integration of a new generation of information technology and manufacturing, the world's manufacturing competition presents a trend of digitization, networking, and intelligence. Tianjin, which is determined to become China's advanced manufacturing R&D center by 2020, has been focusing on creating an intelligent manufacturing industry chain represented by unmanned equipment manufacturing in recent years, and hopes to use it as an important means to maintain and improve the competitive advantages of the manufacturing industry.

In the era of smart manufacturing, new things such as smart speakers, medical robots, driverless vehicles, and drones are constantly emerging. Application scenarios are constantly being enriched and updated. Whether smart devices can interact with people freely and behind them cannot be separated from the support of intelligent voice technology. This is also seen as a major entrance for smart manufacturing and has become a battleground for military strategists.

With the help of intelligent voice technology, the dialogue between people and machines has become a reality. Even hardware devices such as stereos, furniture, automobiles, and machinery have gradually become “talking to people” and “talking with people”. In order to keep up with the age of artificial intelligence, companies, hospitals, schools, governments, and the judiciary have established cooperation with voice technology companies to accelerate the iteration of the update of intelligent hardware.

The new Financial Observer reporter learned a few days ago that in the next four months, the largest intelligent voice technology provider in China, namely, HKUST Telecom (002230), will invest 200 million yuan to build an intelligent voice industry base in Tianjin Airport, which will be officially put into use. It is another major layout for HKUST to fly in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei.

Fang Ming, director of the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Research Center, told reporters that the current intelligent voice industry base is being renovated and is expected to be put into operation in April next year. It covers such business sectors as smart hardware, voice platforms and applications, cloud computing research institutes, and dual-platform platforms. It is expected to form a market scale of 10 billion yuan.

In the wave of smart manufacturing, sensitive AI nerves are also transmitted to the level of personal consumption. Intelligent application software, smart homes, companion robots, smart remote controllers and other personal application products are overwhelming. Even if it is the leader in the domestic intelligent voice industry, HKUST has also had to make business adjustments from B to B and C.

"The HKUST has not only a layout but also a key layout at the C-side. This business is accelerating its growth." Fang Ming told reporters that HKUST’s three major business groups are now flying. Apart from smart education and smart cities, the biggest one is the consumer. The business group develops various types of personal services for the individual needs of consumers.

However, the competition in the C-side market is not easy, and Baidu, Ali and Tencent were originally customers of HKUST News, and now they have turned into competitors and have a wealth of individual customer resources. This is a long-term focus on the B-side market. The information flight is not a small challenge. According to industry reports, “In the C-segment market, HKUST’s resources and experience are far worse than each other. What's even more worrying is that new technologies are constantly changing. Thanks to deep neural networks and cloud computing, these opponents have a lot of exclusivity. Potential."

In spite of this, HKUST did not stop the pace of R&D and exploration, but increased the application of scenes to seek breakthroughs.

In 2011, HKUST began its settlement in Tianjin Binhai New Area and gradually established a R&D team with more than 120 employees. The team used artificial intelligence voice recognition platform and big data algorithm to explore and innovate in education, government services, and medical care. For example, it cooperated with Tianjin Middle School and other cooperative wisdom education projects, and cooperated with the Binhai New Area government to build a smart city.

The outbreak of "scene gives meaning to the product" is the gist of Internet product design. For example, leaving people's travel needs, Internet products such as Didi and Uber have lost their significance, and the mobile payment industry chain has no value.

For the smart manufacturing industry, logistics may be the scene that triggered the entire industry chain.

Not long ago, the New Financial Watch reporter learned that Jingdong, a well-known e-commerce company, has decided to build the "Jingdong Smart Logistics Industry Cluster and the National New Generation Artificial Intelligence Application Demonstration Base" in the Tianjin Development Zone.

According to the information provided by the TEDA Management Committee, the project will cover a wide range of areas, including: smart logistics equipment R&D bases and industrial clusters, national-level next-generation artificial intelligence demonstration and application engineering centers, and nation’s first smart logistics upgrade service platform. The new model demonstration area for smart technology cities and the two-way science and technology integration platform for military and civilian integration will cover an area of ​​1,000 mu, including 300 mu for the first phase and 700 mu for the second phase. The annual output value will exceed 15 billion yuan.

However, the New Financial Observer reporter found in the interview that compared to the long-term goal with high uncertainty, Jingdong’s immediate goal for the project is quite clear, namely the establishment of unmanned warehouses, unmanned vehicles, drones, etc. around the set of smart logistics industry R&D, testing, intelligent manufacturing, sales, and display of unmanned technology bases, creating the first large-scale integrated intelligent logistics industry cluster.

In fact, the competition for drone delivery has already been heating up in 2017.

On June 29 this year, the logistics company Shunfeng announced in a low-key manner that the airspace application for the logistics drone demonstration operation zone declared jointly by Shunfeng and Nankang District of Cangzhou City was formally approved by the eastern theater and became the only one currently officially approved in China. And the demonstration airspace jointly promoted by enterprises, central regulatory agencies and local governments. Industry insiders analyzed that the move meant that Shunfeng had obtained a legal "license" for the delivery of drones.

There is no doubt that the acquisition of SF's “license” is a sign of the normalization of drone delivery, which is a landmark event for the logistics industry. But what is more important is that the intelligent manufacturing industry represented by drones, unmanned vehicles, and unmanned ships has opened up the imagination space for demand.

In the area of ​​unmanned vehicles, Cainiao Logistics and Jingdong Logistics are trying to deliver on unmanned vehicles. The rookie is tested at Alibaba Park, and is on trial at Liu Qiangdong’s alma mater, Renmin University of China.

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